Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday drive

I'm normally a pretty calm driver, follow the rules, make sure I'm within reason on the whole speed-limit thing.

Today, we packed up the three kiddos, my goddaughter, brother-in-law and mother-in-law to take a normal road trip to the in laws for a week of work fixing things here and there. Oh! We also brought the family cat down to acclimate him for a week so before we leave.

I have only one complaint about the trip (aside from missing chickadee terribly right now):

The road was filled with colonoscopy entrance heads.


First it's the typical "I won't let you in my lane guy."
Then, it's "I'm going to ride your butt for the next 2 miles; NOT back off when you flash your brakes and then, repeat the SAME thing on the driver I get behind next." Grrr.

To you, guy in the black Sonata who did that WHILE ON YOUR CELL PHONE:

Be safe. At least two or three time that I braked while we were driving, was because those in front of me were actually slowing down.

You jeopardized not only my safety, but the safety of my children.

Shame on you.

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