Thursday, July 26, 2007

Screeching Halt


I died.

Well, not really. Took a trip through the world of the Deathly Hallows.


Finished it. It's great.

Historically, with this series, I've read about 1/4 to 1/3 of it, set it down for a few *seconds* to only have it swiped from me by my wonderful, beautiful wife.

Then, about 2 weeks later, I pick it back up, pull myself through the slow part (typically something germane about a magical herb, or random, seemingly non-essential history) and finish in a few days, one of which entails reading "just 15 more pages" for most of a night.

This one, it was with exception. I set it down, chickadee did pick it up, and we co-read it back and forth for two days ... then, I headed to her parent's house to do some handyman work for her aunt. So, I have been physically away from that copy of the book all week.

Fortunately, as I said before, we had the foresight to purchase TWO copies, with one being for my brother-in-law. He did the typical final night of reading it Monday night. I followed suit by having the all nighter from the moment of the wedding, to the end for two nights in a row.

Okay, I actually got 5 hours of sleep the first night, but less the second.

So, I curse you JK Rowling.

I'm doing physical labor, on little sleep for most of this week. But that's okay.

The book was worth it.


Alicia said...

Cutie pie.

Alicia said...
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