Right dab smack in the Leo department of the astrological sign store.
So, for the past 20 some years I've just assumed Leo. Then I turned 30 and things just weren't reading right.
Hmmm; so I upped the game, and went to reading the horoscope for Vergo.
This week and next are full of complex issues in an organization that I'm involved in. And today's horoscope sums up exactly what I'm thinking:
If you said everything that you think, it would complicate your life quite a bit. The problem is that, although you may have a very clear idea of what you want and why you want it, you are unable to put it into words. If you do try, be as concise as possible. But rest assured that once Mercury turns direct on July 9, it will be much easier to communicate your needs.
And, told ya so.
Cogito ergo sum. Cum grano salis.
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