Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday's thing

Based loosely on an event that actually happened on Thursday, but worthy of being today's thing.

I got a call from tacomachickadee yesterday morning. It was a short and sweet call (calls are typically sweet from her, but frequently not very short ... except when she's working).

"Hey honey, they have oysters at the farmer's market today."


"Do you want some."

Ya betcha I want some.

I'm not what you would call a raving shellfish fan. But earlier this sumer, my neighbors brought us some they had purchased in excess.

They explained that you put them on the grill for about 10 minutes, until their shells crack a bit open ... then you take them off, pry them open (cut it from the shell), place the oyster in the deeper of the two halves and then drizzle a butter-based sauce over top.

We kept those for 48 hours before we had them, and boy, were they good.

Well, yesterday we had them for maybe 9 hours before we prepared them.

Oh, boy oh boy those things were some of the finest shellfish to grace my palette. The sauce was simply butter, a small bit of feta cheese (very sharp) fresh basil finely chopped and some white wine.

It was a nice, late dinner.

1 comment:

Elle said...

They had oysters last week too. Not a big shell fish fan here. you can have my portion.