Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A few words to the Sun ...

First off, I want to clarify.

I really like you. I know we have our moments. I don't like squinting. I choose to eat indoors during the summer when restaurants open their patios.

AND I make fun of you at meetings. It's based on a skit done on Under the Mailbox Theater, so it's hardly my material. But I find the idea of a bunch of people plotting to destroy the sun during a board meeting to be funny. Please, don't take it personally. Blame Ed, he is actually out to destroy you. I think that's what his new company will be doing. However, his employees will have joy at work.

Now, you know I live in the Northwest. I like the mild weather, and enjoy the rain. But right now, my plants need you. We get your rays filtered through the clouds right now, so they still do their photosynthesis and give us oxygen. That is good and all.

Right now, though, RIGHT NOW, my tomatoes need your warmth ... the sun flowers need your heat, and the corn really, really needs your golden rays.

Could you take a few days to come out and get them moving again? I know we foolishly planted them at the last possible minute to get a harvest in October ... and maybe your schedule says that's when you're next appearing, but some quality time between then and now would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

1 comment:

EGV said...

Sorry for wrecking your tomato crop. I'm out to destroy the sun. I intend to use harsh words and a child's plastic baseball bat.