Friday, January 4, 2008

I *heart* a corporation

I'm big on buy local. State, community, regional ... whatever the case. National is in a few instances is okay. Take Costco. Treats employees decently, the CEO caps his salary at a percentage of the highest-paid manager (which keeps him at about 300-400K per year).

So I buy some organic milk at the local Costco. One of the 3 1/2 gallons gets stuck to the bottom of the box when I'm at home, and leaks all over the place. I call, they say to come back with the receipt and the box, they'll refund the money.

On my way back to do the return (about 2 weeks later), I prep myself with 'the story.' You know, running the facts through my mind and out my mouth so it's easier when the task is performed. I do this often. Yes, I'm the guy talking to himself at the stop light, practicing gestures and flow. Very often the kids will say, "Daddy, who are you talking to?", I tell them I am practicing.

Story ready along with the boxes requested (a second 1/2 gallon went bad, so I assume there was a packaging error) and the receipt, I wait in line. When I get to our turn. He scans the my card, scans the receipt, scans the milk ... hands me my money.

No story. Just me saying, "here", him saying, "card?". Then me saying "thank you".



Oh, from time to time I question my heritage. Maybe or maybe not Norwegian (some divorces and stuff a generation or two ago plus adoptions ...) but today lunch determined that I probably am. What did I have? Pickled herring on crackers with some cheese.

I think that cinches it.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I'm going to have say: "Uff da!"