Sunday, April 20, 2008

Laundry-lanch! Another trip ... maybe two

Mount Laundry was scaled yesterday. Sans a sherpa. We started about 6 a.m. and are just now mopping up the last few sort and folds.

It's been like that around here since Grandma passed away in January. There are still some bags to unpack, or at least some things hiding in bags that we need to find. Laundry has been done between those times, but some was hiding hither and tither.

I head out tomorrow morning for the other Washington.

I've never been there.

It'll be the farthest east I've traveled (sans the jaunt to Russia ... the Golden Ring around Moscow ... which, ironically covered more national capitals and principality capitals of Russia well before me going to DC). I've been to Philadelphia, PA, but that's about it.

Coming back will be interesting, though. Mom tells me that two days ago, or thereabouts, Grandpa decided that it was time to stop eating. He's 91, he served in WWII ... was on the beaches of Normandy, and did a tour through France. He married Grandma when my mom was about the age of my eldest daughter.

His favorite prayer:

I Jesu navn gar vi til bords,
Spise og drikke pa ditt ord.
Deg Gud til aere, oss til gavn,
Sa far vi mat i Jesu navn

It's a Norwegian table prayer. I'm blessed to have it above my table. I don't know how to say it, but I know he liked it.

When I was about my daughter's age (!), Grandma and him took us in. Me, my three brothers and my mom. There was something about a mortgage not being paid in the course of my parent's divorce, so we moved the hour, hour and 1/2 south to live with them.

For the past 32 years, I could pick up the phone and dial the same number ... even to this day, and get him on the phone. I haven't recently, because he is hard of hearing.

All I can do is pray.

Pray that he is loved.
Pray that he as done good work.
Pray that he will find peace soon.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I have to teach you have to say that prayer next time I come over. Swedish and Norwegian isn't that much different from each other.